Ed Kluska

Jupiter Opportunities Report: Ed Kluska, Thursday, February 06, 2025

Tuesday, Jupiter, the planet of advancement, opportunity, luck, and good fortune, turned direct at 11 degrees Gemini. Jupiter will now gain speed and travel more than forty-four degrees of the zodiac after entering Cancer on June 09 and turning retrograde on November 05 at 25 degrees Cancer.

Jupiter in Gemini favors the air signs (Gemini Libra Aquarius) and, to a lesser degree, the fire signs (Aries Leo Sagittarius). Jupiter in Cancer favors the water signs (Cancer Scorpio Pisces) and, to a lesser degree, the earth signs (Taurus Virgo Capricorn)

Furthermore, during this period, Jupiter will interact with every planet and point in your horoscope with at least a thirty-degree aspect, bringing you more advantages and opportunities than the past four months when Jupiter was retrograde and then stationary.

For these reasons, I am offering you a special Jupiter Opportunity Report based on your date, time, and place of birth. Once you receive your video, you can play it on your computer as often as possible. Your video will cover all the relevant charts, graphs, and dates so you know what to expect and how to take advantage of transiting Jupiter aspecting your horoscope. Taking advantage of just one Jupiter opportunity can be worth your investment.

To purchase your special Jupiter Opportunity video, click here to pay $50. Taking advantage of just one of your favorable time frames can make this video worthwhile.

Contact me to know what’s going on in your horoscope and to make better decisions at better times. We will schedule a private consultation at my office or on the phone so you can know more about your future and better understand the issues and opportunities in your life as well as your relationships, job, career, education, finances, children, parents, travel, health, location, retirement, karma, and purpose in life.

Ed Kluska
B.S. Physics
M.S. Psychology
C.A. Certified Astrologer
Meditation Teacher
53 Years in Practice
545 Ludlow Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220

(513) 861-6100
