Ed Kluska

The Week Ahead

The challenges of last week’s Full Moon complicated by two challenging solar aspects were highlighted in my last newsletter, Full Moon Warning. With Moon in Aquarius from late this evening EDT until early Wednesday morning, in Pisces until Friday evening, and in Aries until Sunday morning, the most significant astrological factor is Saturn turning retrograde on Saturday.

Saturn Retrograde

A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from the perspective of the Earth. It’s like when two railroad trains are moving in the same direction next to each other but at different speeds. The slower train appears to be moving backward relative to the faster train.

The often-crazy effects from Mercury retrograde are well known, but the implications for the other planets can be far more significant at their stationary points when they move from direct to retrograde and from retrograde to direct, especially if they exactly aspect a planet or point in your horoscope. A test, problem, or challenge that typically takes a week or so to transpire by transit can extend for months with these stationary positions depending on the plant involved.

Saturday, Saturn, the planet of delays, tests, and challenges, turns retrograde at 19.5 degrees Pisces, which means that those with planets and points around 19.5 degrees Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces have been and are more likely to be experiencing problems tests, challenges, delays, and losses than usual.

My $60 Timing Service

For many years, I have used the principles outlined in these newsletters to provide the best times for clients to act. This $60 less expensive timing service applies to more short-term situations, such as I need to make an important decision by this weekend, what would be the best day this week to ask for a raise, I need to file a lawsuit early next week, we need to close on our mortgage by the middle of this month, when is the best day to have a holiday party, and so forth. Contact me so I can advise you about these types of decisions.

Current Sun Sign Factors

These sun-sign assessments are only “the tip of the iceberg” for what you should know. Besides your Sun sign degree, there are many other factors to consider, which these newsletters cannot cover, such as the transits to your Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Ascendant, and Midheaven degrees. However, awareness of the current transits to your Sun’s position can be invaluable because the positions of the slower-moving planets (Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Aquarius) can create significant trends and events in your life.

To use this information correctly, you need to know the degree of your Sun sign, but the degree of your Sun is not your date of birth. If you need to know the degree of your Sun, call me. I will calculate it for you.


Jupiter/Pluto: increased influence and opportunities for anyone born at 04.5 degrees Aries.

Saturn/Uranus: stress, tensions, and setbacks for anyone born at 22.5 degrees Aries.

Pluto: favorable changes, influences, and opportunities for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Aries.


Jupiter/Neptune: idealism, inspiration, and creativity for anyone born at 03.5 degrees Taurus.

Saturn/Pluto: endurance, struggles, and painful revelations for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Taurus.

Uranus: once every eighty-four years, this aspect brings dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, shocks, breakthroughs, and new freedoms for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Taurus.

Neptune: opportunities for healing, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and spirituality for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Taurus.

Pluto: significant challenges and fundamental changes (more likely related to career and destiny) for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Taurus.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Gemini and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Gemini.

Jupiter/Uranus: fortuitous shifts and changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Gemini.

Saturn: a significant 07-year juncture with tests, obstacles, lessons, trials, delays, losses, and complex realities (more likely related to career and destiny) for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Gemini and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Gemini.

Saturn/Neptune: strange and peculiar feelings and events more likely for anyone born at 24.5 degrees Gemini.

Neptune: once every forty-two years, this aspect brings confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Gemini.

Pluto: favorable changes, influences, and opportunities for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Gemini.


Jupiter/Pluto: increased influence and opportunities for anyone born at 04.5 degrees Cancer.

Saturn/Uranus: stress, tensions, and setbacks for anyone born at 22.5 degrees Cancer.

Uranus: favorable shifts, opportunities, and breakthroughs for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Cancer.

Neptune: favorable opportunities for healing, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and spirituality for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Cancer.

Pluto: significant challenges and fundamental changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Cancer.


Jupiter/Neptune: idealism, inspiration, and creativity for anyone born at 03.5 degrees Leo.

Saturn: tests, obstacles, lessons, trials, delays, losses, and complex realities (more likely related to intimacy and finances) for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Leo and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Leo.

Saturn/Pluto: endurance, struggles, and painful revelations for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Leo.

Uranus: once every twenty-one years, this aspect brings dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, breakthroughs, and possibly shocks (more likely related to career and destiny) for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Leo.

Neptune: possible confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Leo.

Pluto: once every two hundred and fifty years, this aspect brings significant challenges and fundamental changes (more likely related to identity and relationships) for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Leo.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Virgo and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Virgo.

Jupiter/Uranus: fortuitous shifts and changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Virgo.

Saturn: a significant 29-year juncture with tests, obstacles, lessons, trials, delays, losses, and complex realities (more likely related to health and relationships) for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Virgo and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Virgo.

Saturn/Neptune: strange and peculiar feelings and events more likely for anyone born at 24.5 degrees Virgo.

Uranus: favorable shifts, opportunities, and breakthroughs for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Virgo.

Neptune: once every forty-two years, this aspect brings confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Virgo.

Pluto: significant challenges and fundamental changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Virgo.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Libra and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Libra.

Jupiter/Pluto: increased influence and opportunities for anyone born at 04.5 degrees Libra.

Saturn: tests, obstacles, lessons, trials, delays, losses, and complex realities (more likely related to health and work) for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Libra and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Libra.

Saturn/Uranus: stress, tensions, and setbacks for anyone born at 22.5 degrees Libra.

Uranus: dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, breakthroughs, and possibly shocks for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Libra.

Neptune: possible confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Libra.

Pluto: favorable changes, influences, and opportunities for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Libra.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Scorpio and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Scorpio.

Jupiter/Neptune: idealism, inspiration, and creativity for anyone born at 03.5 degrees Scorpio.

Saturn/Pluto: endurance, struggles, and painful revelations for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Scorpio.


Uranus: once-in-a-lifetime dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, breakthroughs, and possibly shocks (more likely related to relationships) for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Scorpio.


Neptune: favorable opportunities for healing, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and spirituality for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Scorpio.

Pluto: significant challenges and fundamental changes (more likely related to home and family) for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Scorpio.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Sagittarius and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Sagittarius.

Jupiter/Uranus: fortuitous shifts and changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Sagittarius.

Saturn: a significant 07-year juncture with tests, obstacles, lessons, trials, delays, losses, and complex realities (more likely related to home and family) for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Sagittarius and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Sagittarius.

Saturn/Neptune: strange and peculiar feelings and events more likely for anyone born at 24.5 degrees Sagittarius.

Uranus: dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, breakthroughs, and possibly shocks for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Sagittarius.

Neptune: once every forty-two years, this aspect brings confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Sagittarius.

Pluto: favorable changes, influences, and opportunities for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Sagittarius.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Capricorn and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Capricorn.

Jupiter/Pluto: increased influence and opportunities for anyone born at 04.5 degrees Capricorn.

Saturn/Uranus: stress, tensions, and setbacks for anyone born at 22.5 degrees Capricorn.

Uranus: favorable shifts, opportunities, and breakthroughs for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Capricorn.

Neptune: opportunities for healing, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and spirituality for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Capricorn.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Aquarius and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Aquarius.

Jupiter/Neptune: idealism, inspiration, and creativity for anyone born at 03.5 degrees Aquarius.

Saturn/Pluto: endurance, struggles, and painful revelations for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Aquarius.

Uranus: once every twenty-one years, this aspect brings dramatic shifts, surprises, adjustments, breakthroughs, and possibly shocks for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Aquarius.

Pluto: once every two hundred and fifty years, this aspect brings fundamental changes, meaningful accomplishments, and/or significant tests and challenges for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Aquarius.


Jupiter: optimism and opportunities for anyone born at 07 degrees Pisces and any planets and points you have at 07 degrees Pisces.

Jupiter/Uranus: fortuitous shifts and changes for anyone born at 01.5 degrees Pisces.

Saturn: a significant 29-year juncture with tests, lessons, and steady accomplishments possible for anyone born at 19.5 degrees Pisces and any planets and points you have at 19.5 degrees Pisces.

Saturn/Neptune: strange and peculiar feelings and events for anyone born at 24.5 degrees Pisces.

Uranus: favorable shifts, opportunities, and breakthroughs for anyone born at 25.5 degrees Pisces.

Neptune: opportunities for healing, inspiration, imagination, creativity, and spirituality for anyone born at 29.5 degrees Pisces. Also, possible confusion, deception, victimization, weakness, and even illness and debilitating conditions for anyone born at 29.5 Pisces.

Lunar Aspects

The most important Moon in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries are listed below. The descriptions do not intend to tell you what will happen in your life at the listed times. Instead, they provide some of the possibilities you can expect around the times given so you can plan your life more wisely. It is often apparent which time frames are better for timing a party, trip, decision, project, business, or other events.

Lunar aspects are in effect for a few hours (versus days) before and until the times given for the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, you need to adjust the times for where you live. For example, if you live on the West Coast, there is a three-hour difference, so you must subtract three hours.

The plus (+) lunar aspects are favorable. The minus (-) lunar aspects are more likely to bring challenges or difficulties. Sometimes, there is a + and – lunar aspect, which can exhibit positive and negative influences.

Sunday, June 23

11:14 PM EDT Moon enters Aquarius, where it will remain until early Wednesday morning, when it enters the next sign, Pisces.

Moon in the air sign Aquarius boosts Aquarius and, to a lesser degree, the other air signs, Gemini and Libra. Moon in Aquarius also helps any planets and points you have in Aquarius and should bring together more things for Aquarius in the short term.

Moon in Aquarius supports anyone’s involvement with Aquarius-related attitudes and activities such as analyzing, observing, questioning, experimenting, and investigating; exploring what is new, novel, unusual, progressive, and nonconforming; science, technology, engineering, computers, electronics, inventions, and aviation; and working with clubs, organizations, special interest groups, and philanthropic and charitable organizations.

Monday, June 24

01:50 AM + (Moon in Aquarius 00 Pluto in Aquarius) this once-a-month lunar aspect brings opportunities for experiencing and exploring deeper feelings and psychic impressions.

10:51 AM + (Moon in Aquarius 120 Jupiter in Gemini) opportunities for any interpersonal situation, including meetings and working with the public. This lunar aspect also increases the possibilities for kindness, benevolence, positive attitudes, shared feelings, and uplifting emotional support.

02:59 PM + (Moon in Aquarius 150 Venus in Aquarius) opportunities for cooperation, cheerfulness, affection, pleasantries, gracefulness, emotional sharing, and artistic expression, especially involving females.

06:58 PM – (Moon in Aquarius 90 Mars in Taurus) opportunities for bolder and more direct actions. However, this aspect magnifies feelings and passions, bringing impatience, rashness, impulsiveness, anger, and even forceful actions.

Tuesday, June 25

06:29 PM – (Moon in Aquarius 90 Uranus in Taurus) opportunities for increased instincts, willfulness, and aspirations regarding anything new, different, exciting, and adventuresome. However, this aspect also brings nervousness, anxiety, upsets, restlessness, excitability, volatility, and emotionally charged situations.

06:29 PM EDT Moon in Aquarius Void until 02:07 AM Wednesday when it enters the next sign, Pisces.

This Void is more than six hours, so note that there tends to be a lull in the energy levels during Void periods. What you start or implement is likely to turn out differently than planned or expected. It’s usually better to do things with less significance or no purpose than to start something new and vital. For example, if you have a new idea, meet someone new, or start a business, those activities are less likely to amount to much.

Wednesday, June 26

02:07 AM EDT Moon enters Pisces, where it will remain until Friday morning, when it enters the next sign, Aries.

Moon in the water sign Pisces boosts Pisces and, to a lesser degree, the other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio. Moon in Pisces also helps any planets and points you have in Pisces and should bring together more things for Pisces in the short term.

Moon in Pisces supports anyone’s involvement with Pisces-related attitudes and activities such as music, dancing, painting, movies, theater, film, drama, poetry, fiction, and photography; working with dreams, imagination, and the subconscious; anything spiritually oriented such as prayer, yoga, and meditation; and unselfishly helping those in need including the sick and less fortunate.

11:25 AM + (Moon in Pisces 120 Sun in Cancer) a harmonious aspect between the Sun and Moon in the water signs, Cancer and Pisces.

02:26 PM + (Moon in Pisces 90 Jupiter in Gemini) opportunities for any interpersonal situation, including meetings and working with the public. This lunar aspect also increases the possibilities for kindness, benevolence, positive attitudes, shared feelings, and uplifting emotional support.

10:33 PM + (Moon in Pisces 120 Venus in Cancer) opportunities for cooperation, cheerfulness, affection, pleasantries, gracefulness, emotional sharing, and artistic expression, especially involving females.

Thursday, June 27

10:57 AM + – (Moon in Pisces 00 Saturn in Pisces) this once-a-month lunar aspect brings opportunities for orderly, steady, conscientious, pragmatic, and realistic plans and activities. However, this aspect can also be challenging because it is emotionally restrictive and can create issues, worries, and differences, especially involving females.

Friday, June 28

04:44 AM + – (Moon in Pisces 00 Neptune in Pisces) this once-a-month lunar aspect brings opportunities for daydreaming, imagination, creativity, prayer, meditation, and highly refined artistic and spiritual feelings and aspirations. However, this aspect increases the possibilities for haziness and emotional confusion and is not ideal for logical discussions and clear-cut decisions.

04:51 AM EDT Moon enters Aries, where it will remain until Sunday morning.

05:53 PM – (Moon in Pisces 90 Sun in Gemini) a discordant aspect between Moon and the water sign Pisces and Sun in the air sign Gemini.

Saturday, June 29

12:25 AM + (Moon in Aries 00 Node in Aries) this once-a-month lunar aspect brings opportunities for connecting with people via networking, social interactions, and alliances with large and small groups.

06:16 AM + (Moon in Aries 90 Venus in Cancer) opportunities for cooperation, cheerfulness, affection, pleasantries, gracefulness, emotional sharing, and artistic expression, especially involving females.

08:24 PM + (Moon in Aries 00 Chiron in Aries) this once-a-month lunar aspect brings opportunities for family matters and more loving and healing relationships.

Sunday, June 30

12:56 AM + (Moon in Aries 90 Mercury in Cancer) opportunities for perception, thoughtfulness, communication, and writing. 

12:56 AM EDT Moon in Aries Void until 08:00 when it enters the next sign, Taurus.

This Void is almost seven, so note that there tends to be a lull in energy levels during Void periods. What you start or implement is less likely to turn out as planned or expected. It’s usually better to do things with less significance or no purpose than to start something new and vital. If you have a new idea, meet someone new, or start a business, for example, those activities are less likely to amount to much.

Guidelines for Using This Information

These newsletters are not your typical sun sign column. They provide much more information and guidance, but it may be challenging to sort everything out with so many factors presented, even for astrology students. Therefore, I keep everything as clear and straightforward as possible.

The most critical factor with right timing is what is occurring in your horoscope. When negative aspects dominate your horoscope, the chances of success with right timing diminish no matter how favorable the aspects are in the sky. These newsletters cannot cover what is occurring in your horoscope. However, applying the information in these newsletters with common sense allows you to time your decisions and activities better.

The basic premise with right timing is that it helps to have the “stars” on your side. Starting a marriage, trip, surgery, business, real estate deal, or a major purchase, for example, at an inopportune time reduces the chances of success no matter how good your intentions and how hard you try: the better the timing, the higher your chances of success. Even an hour can make a significant difference in important decisions and events

Moon enters each zodiac sign about every 28 days and remains in each sign for about two and a half days. When the Moon is in your sun sign, matters will likely come more together for you on a short-term basis unless significant aspects are currently challenging your horoscope.

The traits and qualities I assign to the signs in these newsletters describe the signs’ functions and meanings versus describing your personality. However, the descriptions may be entirely accurate for you. Furthermore, to understand a person’s personality and character from an astrological perspective, dozens of factors besides one’s sun sign must be considered.

Contact me to know what’s going on in your horoscope and to make better decisions at better times. We will schedule a private consultation at my office or on the phone so you can know more about your future and better understand the issues and opportunities in your life as well as your relationships, job, career, education, finances, children, parents, travel, health, location, retirement, karma, and purpose in life.

Ed Kluska
B.S. Physics
M.S. Psychology
C.A. Certified Astrologer
Meditation Teacher
53 Years in Practice
545 Ludlow Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220

(513) 861-6100
