Ed Kluska



Want to know what's going on in your horoscope and your life?

I’m here to help you plan your future and discuss any issues in your life. Please read below to learn more about how my consultations can benefit you with unique insights and answers provided by your astrological chart. 

CALL ME NOW AT 513-861-6100
Whether you seek clarity on relationships, finances, career decisions, personal growth, or any other matter, my sessions will support you with understanding, guidance, and clarity. Focusing on your journey, I will explore the planetary alignments in your horoscope and provide you with strategies to make the most of your opportunities and challenges.

Comprehensive Initial Consultation

This comprehensive session is my starting point. It will give you a great deal of clear-cut information about your past, present and future based on your time, date and place of birth. If you don't know your time of birth, I can still work with you.

From this consultation you will better understand the opportunities and challenges for your relationships and career as well as any other area of interest such as marriage, children, parents, work, education, finances, travel, health and karma.

Your important long-term cycles and short-term indicators will also be explained so you can better plan your life and future. All my consultations are recorded. You get the mp3 of the session, a copy of your complete horoscope, and other important printouts. 

Astrology Updates


Many of my clients regularly have their horoscope updated so they can "stay on top of things". I will review your long-range trends and cycles as well as pinpoint your important time periods over the next year so you can better understand and plan for your current opportunities and challenges. 

I will also answer your questions and offer suggestions and strategies for your relationships, family, career, finances, health and any other area of concern. 

Right Timing

This is one of the most practical ways I help my clients. From years of research, experience and firsthand applications with my life and businesses, I have developed a sophisticated system for good timing.

For example, when to marry, travel, invest, have surgery, apply to college, publish a book, start your website, settle a lawsuit, start a job or business, and buy and sell real estate.

The basic premise here is that "there is a time for everything." Nothing beats a good plan and hard work but it sure helps to have the "stars" on your side.

When you start or initiate something at an inopportune time, the chances of succeeding are reduced no matter how hard you try. The better the timing, the greater your chances of succeeding. Even an hour can make a significant difference.

So many times over the years I have seen important personal and professional decisions made on "lousy" days. The results have not been good. 


Just as there is a time for everything, there is also a location for everything. 

When you vacation, visit or move to another city, your horoscope "relocates." You always have the same horoscope based on your birthplace but your relocated horoscopes give specific information about what you can expect with other cities and locations. 

I will tell you which cities and areas in the USA and the world are best for you to live, visit, do business or go to school. 

In fact, you don't have to visit or live near one of your location lines for them to be in effect. For example, a line can go through an area where you buy your favorite clothes by mail or you have great business contacts. 

This is a great tool you can use the rest of your life. Just about every client has confirmed what one would expect from their location maps.


We all have issues and decisions to make, be it with relationships, jobs, career, health, money, business or retirement. 

I will give you objective insights and solid solutions for what to do and not do as well as when to take action. 


We all want to know about our relationships, and they involve a lot more than sun signs.

To discover how compatible you are with your spouse, child, parent, friend or boss, I will study dozens of astrological factors and then explain to you all the pluses and challenges for that relationship.

I cover communication, finances, individual needs and life goals so you can understand more about your relationships now and in the future. What's more important than knowing the important people and relationships in your life? 


Like any parent, you want to understand your children and grandchildren and do what is best for them.

I will clarify the child's key traits, talents, emotional needs, learning abilities and challenges. I will explain how he or she relates to you and offer suggestions and strategies so you can work with their issues and challenges as well as develop their talents and abilities.

I can also help you with college choices. The child's horoscope indicates their vocational needs, interests and strengths which points to the best fields of study for them to pursue. And their location map indicates the favorable and unfavorable areas of the country for them to live and study. You want to know where they are most likely to succeed so you don't waste your money. 


In business you can easily make mistakes that cost you a lot of time and money.

Owning small businesses for more than thirty-five years has given me much firsthand business experience. As a result, I can help you with many of your business adventures and decisions so you don't waste your money. For example: who to hire, how to negotiate deals and settlements, and when to market and promote. I can also pick the best times for you to open your business, start employees, make offers and settlements, and close or remodel.

Timing is critical. If you make decisions at unfavorable times, they are less likely to work out. If you started your business on a "bad" day, it will probably struggle no matter how hard you work and try to make it succeed. You may be fighting an uphill battle.

From researching hundreds of small businesses, I have seen this to be true firsthand. It's a fact of life.  


Hippocrates, the Greek physician considered the father of medicine, insisted that his students study astrology. He stated, "He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool."

Everyone has physical and mental health issues on one level or another. Obviously some people are more challenged and afflicted than others.

There are several important astrological signatures for wellness and illness in your horoscope which can explain your physical and emotional well-being and weaknesses, as well as your proneness to certain illnesses, ailments, and complications.

For example, there are indicators for colds, stress, arthritis and neurosis and for a family history of alcoholism, allergies, heart disease and depression.

There are also indicators to ascertain the duration of most illnesses and complications.

From your horoscope I will explain your lifelong physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses and also detail what you need to be aware of and attend to.

Be clear that this information is not a substitute for proper medical care and diagnosis.  


To help you with your retirement, I will research and explain the following factors:
  • your long-range cycles and prospects

  • the optimum time periods to retire
  • the best geographical locations for travel and retirement
  • the hobbies, interests and activities you will find most fulfilling and rewarding.

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Astrology Consultations
with Ed Kluska