Ed Kluska

Theta Heart Meditation

Theta Heart Meditation

“Almost immediately, I felt a huge shift in my energies. The chatter in my head stopped, and I sank into a deep state of relaxation . . . I started to see and feel colors moving around the front of my chest, mostly a light blue . . . I felt the presence of my sister, with whom I’ve been estranged for several years. It felt like there was healing as she was moving toward me . . . After a while, I just wanted to sit there because it felt so good–calmer and more peaceful than I have felt in a long time.” 

This paragraph summarizes some of the phenomena a young man experienced in one of my heart-to-heart sessions, a transformative healing process I developed over many years of practicing, researching, and teaching meditation. In effect, I have mastered the ability to focus on the energies in my heart and enter a trance-like state, enabling me to help others enter a deeper state of awareness and a connection with their higher powers, enabling many fascinating and often extraordinary experiences to unfold naturally.
I have had thousands of heart-to-heart experiences, and with my clients and students, each experience is unique according to the person’s personality, life experiences, and spiritual aspirations. Sometimes, people have a deep and powerful meditative experience, which leaves them feeling entirely rested and refreshed. But most often, people connect deeply with their emotional and psychic senses, enabling them to gain insights and answers for their current problems and concerns and have significant psychic, mystical, and transcendental experiences, which are not easily forgotten.

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